Lyli the Therapug

Breed: Pug

Favorite Toy: Anything squeaky or anything my brother has

Favorite Costume: I have so many pretty dresses, but my two favorites are my Christmas dress and my Cat in the Hat dress

Best Trick: I love catching Cheerios in my mouth!

Favorite Visit “Tail”:

At one of the University of Houston visit, a young man was scared of dogs since he was a little boy. He wanted to beat his fear so he let me cuddle with him for a full 5 mins! I could tell he was scared but he did it and I was greatful to be with him,

More scoop about me:

When I was 3, I had a spinal stroke and was completely paralyzed. My first family were worried that they couldn't help me in my recovery, so they asked PugHearts of Houston to help me. My foster Mom and Dad spent a lot of time getting me back to my old self. Unfortunately, one of my legs never regained its feeling, so the vets had to amputate one of my front legs. After I recovered, I was adopted by my new mom. When I met someone who trained service dogs on the way home to my new house, I knew this was the right path for me tine on.

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  • Denise Bryant June 28, 2017

    We love you sweet girl❤️

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